The vision of Rosas in Echeverría

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Ernesto Rodríguez


Addressing the study of Juan Manuel de Rosas is justified, according to John Lynch, because it offers us the possibility of “knowing the original bases of political power in Argentina; understand more clearly the nature of clientelism relationships and the roots of caudillismo, discriminate more carefully to what extent it constitutes an inheritance from the colonial past or how much of it derives from independence or its consequences. To observe Rosas is to visualize the tendency to violence in the society of those times, as well as the use of terror as an instrument of politics ”.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez, E. (1998). The vision of Rosas in Echeverría. Historia Regional, (16), 55-72. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Ernesto Rodríguez, Sección Historia. Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 3

Profesor del ISP Nº 3 “Eduardo Lafferriere” de Villa Constitución. Alumno de la Licenciatura de Historia, UNLu.


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