Consciousness and Leftist Culture in Argentina

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Pablo Pozzi


Most Argentine history considers the Left as relatively strange to popular tradition. However, Argentina has numerous examples of labor and rural struggles in small and middle provincial towns. This main idea that guides this paper is that there is a persistence of an underground leftist culture in Argentina that permeates society, including small townships. This culture expresses a form of consciousness that has permitted the survival of the organized Left in spite of repression, and which helps to explain the persistence and harshness of social conflict over the last fifty years. This research has selected three medium sized cities of Cordoba province, between 1918 and 1976, in order to trace social struggles and their relationship to different forms of the organized and cultural left.


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How to Cite
Pozzi, P. (2004). Consciousness and Leftist Culture in Argentina. Historia Regional, (22), 59-66. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Pablo Pozzi, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Profesor Titular Regular, departamento de Historia, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UBA. Director del SO54 “Estado, política y sociedad en una Argentina en crisis, 1955-1976”.


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